Tuesday, December 06, 2011

The Winds of Change ...

Today's Writing Circle Prompt: We don’t know anything. There is a place between here and there, between mystery and science, between staying and leaving, between choice and becoming: a place where most of us do not want to stay very long. We want to name and explain everything. We want to understand, to know – so we can put things in their places.

And yet, sitting in this space of not yet, of “I don’t know,” can be the most powerful place of all. For it is here, having departed the familiar and not yet arrived at the ‘who knows where,’ that anything is possible. Come and sit in the in-between for a while. Write from there.

Consider, from this place of becoming and dreams, what is moving toward you through the silence? What gathers at the edges of your life, awaiting entry? What clarity have you left behind in order to embrace the not-yet-formed? What is beginning to stir inside of you, not yet born but almost ready to emerge?

The Gap. The place of Pure Potential. The Space Between. Between the Lines. The Silence that Speaks Volumes. Is it possible that we actually don't know anything? Or is it more likely that we know, or have access to, more than we can understand in one fell swoop? 

I believe the latter. I believe that Visionaries lead us to places many of us don't have the Imagination to clearly see ourselves. I believe that we host Inspired Moments where the possible presents itself to us in full technicolour ~ and it is up to us to embrace it, accept it and run with it -- or write it off as a dream.

I believe that we are infinitely creative with potential beyond description. I also believe that many of us don't believe that to be true of ourselves.

"There are stories in our silences. The things that don't get said speak louder than we even dream they can. They echo through the space between, the place I long to be - and this never-ending empty where I am." ~ Don Aker, The Space Between

We know lots.  What we don't all know is how to meaningfully tap into the Source that knows, so that we, too, may know. Maybe because the path has not always been easy or pleasant for that person who knows, who tries to teach, and who meets resistance because of the change s/he represents.

The wisdom is abundant for those who admit they don't yet know everything; for their minds, and hearts, are open to new information, new experience and creative new ideas. Slipping into 'the Gap' and seeing/hearing/feeling inspiration lights your heart aflame and sparks your Spirit to life.

Where would we be if not for the Visionaries who not only captured an idea as it emerged from within them ~ but then acted on it too? 

Be the Wind of Change, no matter how small or large your gesture ~ if inspiration finds you, honour it, act on it and know that somehow, somewhere - your act is significant.


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