Monday, December 05, 2011

Thank you for the music ...

This morning, I joined a Writing Circle. It runs through the month of December and anyone with an inkling to join is more than welcome to do so.

I read about it here, at my friend Amy Oscar's site. She'll be sharing 'about one prompt per day' (can you feel the breathing space already? She'll do her best to provide prompts each day, we'll do our best to participate whenever we can - very inviting, I think) and interested participants determine their levels of interest, availability of time, mode of creative expression, etc.

Today's prompt is Begin. We are going on a journey. Who knows where it will lead? What will you take along? What will you leave behind.

Write it as a list; write it into a story; do a photo essay; make a collage. Consider including things which other people might not see, if they rifled through your luggage: experiences, memories, intentions. Tell us your destination (if you want to, if you know). What map (if any) will you use to chart your course? Will you strike out on your own, pack the newborn into a Snugli? Will you travel on foot, by car, by magic carpet? Do you journey alone or shall we walk side-by-side?

I'll be posting my reflections here ~ when inspired to do so, and also - when time allows. If you choose to join this Circle, please let me know so that we can support each other along the way. If you're on Twitter and desire to tweet your blog post links - use this hashtag so other participants have the opportunity to read your work too: #DecWritO

Mmm Hmm she says I began to sing long before I could talk ...

In the world in my head ~ Life is one beautiful musical. 

A song score underlines key interactions ~ rendering it impossible for pain, hurt, fear and confusion to lie silent beneath the surface. Emotions are felt; their beat, timbre and nuance unmistakable..

Words are replaced by symbols - allowing faster access to the heart with less chance of misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

We all have time in the spotlight as Solo Artists, when necessary or appropriate - and we're also part of beautiful back-up groups for others.  Transition from Soloist to Back-Up happens with ease - allowing the message to determine the overall performance.

Harmony rules ~ even in discord, there would be a place for each voice and a definition and context for each sound.

Creative expression is exaggerated - dancers leap and spin, singers belt it out from their diaphragms and all members of any given scene contribute value and play their roles with care and attention.

We always play to a full house - appreciative audiences, who respond to our efforts immediately and never leaving us wondering if we've been seen, heard or paid attention to.

Having someone always available to tend to clothes, hair and make-up is handy too.

And with each day, I have the opportunity to bring this inner world into my outer world ~ allowing each interaction, project and situation I'm engaged with a chance to begin from a magical place; filling my heart and soul in the process.



  1. As a singer I can totally relate to this. My mom said I have been a walking jukebox since birth, a love for song in my heart. Sometimes I feel more like a background singer then a soloist. I never really like to be out in the limelight..

  2. Hi Angel! I'm very much like you in the 'not caring much for the spotlight' part. I much prefer operating behind the scenes in support of somebody else's light.

    I, too, always have a song in my heart - and a few of them run through my head all day long too.

    Thank you for letting me know you were here!

  3. Sally, I envy your relationship with music. Music is to you - what art is to me. I am visual, you are audio. What a great combination! I'm very literal....I see with my eyes. But YOU! You can see with your ears. That's a real gift! I'd like to participate in the Writing Circle. But, I need you to be my back-up singing with equal turns at the mic. I'd like my part of the Writing Circle to be a written conversation with you. Emails, tweets, fb. Will you help me? I've been thinking about the word BEGIN all morning! Love, S
